Baran Winery

User ID: w0330

Baran Winery

Inspired by the old family tradition of growing vines and with the help of modern wine production technology, in 2018 the Baran winery raises domestic production in a small family farm to a higher level. Production has always been the center of life in this family and the younger generations have decided to continue the tradition that stretches back centuries. The vineyards that the family started with in the past still exist today and number about 10,000 vines with a tendency to increase in the near future. Part of the traditional approach to production gives special importance to the quality of these indigenous varieties with protected geographical origin.
It is inevitable to mention the participation in the Sabatina 2020 competition, which as a result brought two prestigious awards to the winery for two sent samples (Plavac Mali and Pošip).
Anito Pecotić
Littoral Croatia > central and southern Dalmatia > Korčula
10 000 litters
That. The making of a wine bar is in progress. The works are nearing completion. The offer would be based on traditional indigenous dishes, snacks and our own top wines.
1.5 hectares of planted vines and in the current year it is planned to plant 2.5 thousand meters of young plantations.
Pošip, Rukatac, Plavac mali